This morning I attempted to configure an NFS share from a fresh Cent OS 5.2 machine to my desktop. I started by configuring NFS as I had for years. My /etc/exports config contained:
I started NFS, then tried to mount the share from my desktop, but got an access denied error.
# mount -t nfs /mnt/coral/A
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting
Interesting, I had never had a problem with this config before. The logs confirmed the issue.
Feb 23 02:08:54 coral mountd[13624]: mount request from unknown host for /Storage_A (/Storage_A)
A quick reread of docs later and we had a solution. The network mask should be included each time… Sloppiness on my part.
A quick change to /etc/exports:
Restart NFS and the mount works beautifully.
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