Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Surgery

    Well, I had my gallbladder out yesterday. I was very nervous until they gave me 10mg of Valium… I felt fine after that. They wheeled me into the pre-op waiting room, where I think I met everyone who would be working on me… Honestly, I remember meeting a beautiful Asian woman who I think was…

  • Indoor Soccer

    We had a double header tonight.  We had exactly 6 players tonight, we had a few that didn’t show.  They played well…   A little tired in each ame ssecond half, but pleyed well overall.  I’m still trying to work on positions while the ball is stuck in a corner.  Trying to have them play a…

  • Upgrading from Fedora 9 to Fedora 10

    Fedora 10 includes a few improvements the kids have been asking for, most notably web cam support. I used to be a big proponent of doing a fresh install instead of an upgrade.  Upgrades have never worked out well in the past.  This time I’ve been told the tool preupgrade works well… soI gave it…

  • Morning permission issues with NFS mounts in Cent OS 5.2

    This morning I attempted to configure an NFS share from a fresh Cent OS 5.2 machine to my desktop. I started by configuring NFS as I had for years. My /etc/exports config contained: /Storage_A,insecure,sync,no_root_squash) I started NFS, then tried to mount the share from my desktop, but got an access denied error. # mount…

  • Working with LVM on the command line

    I put this little How-TO together from my need to add and manage LVM volumes on several headless servers. LVM is quite powerful, but you can also make your life hell how the road if certain things aren’t in place. For this demonstration I have 2 Sata disks (sdc and sdd) that I’d like to…

Got any book recommendations?