Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • VOX Scanner or Radio Recorder for Linux

    VOX Scanner or Radio Recorder for Linux

    We used to have a scanner recording program that ran on a dedicated Windows 98 machine.  It worked reasonably well, but wasn’t perfect (aside from the fact that it ran on Windows 98).  I found something that will work well as a replacement, it’s called sox (http://sox.sourceforge.net/sox.html).  A simple one line command records and separates…

  • Rockwood Camper Castle Windows and other good stuff

    We’ve spent two weekends in the new camper.  It’s simply amazing.  Looking forward to spending a 3 day weekend in Cape May soon.  We hired Castle Windows to replace all of our windows.  They’re scheduled to come out Monday with two crews.  Add the new window, move the front window, replace them all in one…

  • Wow been busy

    So we’ve had a bunch of things going on here. Kids and School obviously, but we have also been camper shopping. We only have a 1/2 ton truck so we’re a bit limited as to what we can pull. We settled on a Rockwood 8316SS. We’re currently in final negotiations and things look good. As…

  • NBC’s Abominable Olympic Opener

    Thanks NBC for showing my kids someone die on Primetime TV. While it was a horrific accident, save the video of the actual moment of the mans death for the 11 news… or better yet, have enough class and respect for the man not to show it at all.

  • Linux Distro Switch

    For years I was a huge RedHat / Fedora Core / Fedora proponent since the RedHat 5.x versions. I tend to run older hardware with lower specs, but love to tinker with new things. I loved Fedora because it was always at the bleeding edge of development. That did occasionally lead to frustration where an…

Got any book recommendations?