
Welcome to my family’s page. My name is Mike and I’ll be your guide. I wear several hats and will write about most of them. I’m a security consultant by day and occupy my off time with a number of things. I’ve been a NJ Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) since 1992. I attended University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey’s Paramedic program. Never tested mostly because I got married and moved to North Carolina. I’ve sold used cars, managed a family fun center and worked at AAA. I’ve been in IT since 1997 and love it.

I have a 1966 Mustang that is undergoing perpetual restoration (or so it feels like).

I’m a fan of Linux, Macs, and script in several languages. Recently I’ve gotten into both photography and reef aquariums.

Join me in my fun…


2 responses to “About”

  1. Robert Avatar

    Hi Mike, I like your blog, I came here while looking for info on getting my AspireOne 110 working as a decent tool, I am new to Linux and find Linpus challenging and almost not worth the effort. I am busy downloading ubuntu-9.10 Netbook remix, your comments have me looking forward to the new experience that awaits me.

    Question : How do you get such a nice photo album, I was looking at the gallery for Emmy. I have been using Picasa but it is not as slick as yours
    Regards from Africa

  2. mgargiullo Avatar

    It’s called JAlbum… Written in Java, runs on everything. Great program.

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